Case of Uterine Fibroid

Patient female aged 43 years a homemaker came with a complaint of uterine fibroid since 2018.

She was advised surgery – Hysterectomy – complete removal of uterus.

She came with last resort as she was afraid of having an operative procedure.

She suffered from metrorrhagia – heavy menstrual bleeding which last for a week to ten days with passing of clots, and to her agony, severe menstrual cramps in lower abdomen and pelvis.

She has regular menstruation, a mother of two, FTND. Having a family history of uterine fibroid which her mother did suffer from who eventually went under the knife.

She was very anxious about her health as to how she would be healed and fear of the fibroid not going into malignancy.

After administration of Homoeopathic medicine for a year and a half –

She is completely better, now no uterine fibroid. Has normal menstrual cycles and flow which lasts for 4 normal days with harmony. She is completely cured of the uterine fibroid avoiding a surgical intervention.
